Stay Organized with Notes, Tasks, and Assets
Updated by Tyler MacDonald
Communicating with your team in a busy shop is an essential element to ensure customer orders are coming in and going out efficiently and smoothly. Our goal is to help you reduce the frequency for mistakes and miscommunication.
Introducing Notes, Tasks and Assets!
This tutorial will cover how adding notes on customers, transactions, and jobs will keep your team on the same page. Also, staying on track with deadlines by assigning tasks that will help you get things done on time and with better results. And finally, attaching assets to your orders and jobs will allow you to share important information with your team and keep it all in one place.
On any transaction whether it be a quote, sales order or invoice, you are able to add notes. Think of this as an area where you can provide specific instructions to you team, keep a history log of details about the order, notate important dates or conversations with your customer. Simply click on the Notes tab on the top potion of your transaction and type out your note. Once saved, the note will be time stamped with the user's name, date and time. You can also add notes to a job and customer profile.
Special Info and Customer Note
Do you ever wish there was a way to alert your team with a pop-up message whenever an order is open or a customer is used? This could be helpful if that pop-up message contained special information that everyone on your team needs to see. Guess what? We can do that in shopVOX using a Special Info!
Create a Special Info message on a single customer or a transaction (Quote, Sales Order, and Invoice) if you want to convey a message to your team, and that special info message will appear on the screen whenever the transaction or customer is used. To add a Special Info message, simply open any new transaction or create a new customer. Then click on the Notes section and type out your Special Info message. Keep in mind that Special info is internal, and seen only by your team.
In the Notes section of a new transaction or new customer profile, just underneath the Special Info text area, you'll see a space where you can type out a Customer Note. A Customer Note is a one-time message that you want to provide to your customer about their quote or order and this message will appear on the customer's PDF. The Customer Note is customer facing and will print near the bottom of the PDF.
Keep track of you to-do list and manage your day with tasks. On any transaction or customer profile in shopVOX, you can delegate tasks to yourself or to your team members to communicate to-dos and reminders and to get things done quickly and efficiently. Once a task is assigned to you, you can get task notifications when tasks are created, updated, and completed. These notifications can be through email or on-screen inside the alerts icon.
Assets is a feature that allows you to upload common files or documents for a specific customer or order in shopVOX. You can attach them to any transaction (Quote, Sales Order, Job, Invoice), store them in customer profiles, or even email them through shopVOX directly to your customer as an attachment. Some examples you might upload as Assets include:
- Credit card authorization form
- Contracts
- W-9
- Concept Drawings
- Site Photos
Uploading vs Linking Assets
Uploading assets is easy and anytime you upload into shopVOX you are creating a copy of the file. Taking it from an original source (shown below) to shopVOX where it can be stored and accessed, viewed, and downloaded later. Assets uploaded or linked to a Quote will automatically be copied to the new converted transaction Sale Order or Invoice.
Linking assets involves pasting the URL to a file stored online (it could be locally stored on the computer, a local server, or to the world wide web). The user clicks on the link thumbnail before they see the actual file.