Invoice statements: creating and sending to a customer

Aaron Aldrich Updated by Aaron Aldrich

How to send an Invoice statement to a customer

In our reports section, we have the option to generate Invoice statements for customers. These can then be emailed to a customer via your email platform as a PDF attachment.

How to create an Invoice statement

From the Dashboard icon, scroll to the bottom of the page. Click on the Reports button and find the Invoice statement report in the Invoice section

Options to generate the statement

Option one: A specific customer and date(optional) can be selected in the top panel and then Run the report.

Opton two: The Action button to the right of the Customer name can be selected and there are two version that can be generated. The regular Statement PDF or an Aging Summary PDF

Regular Statement PDF

Aging summary PDF

Option three: The Action button at the top of the screen can be used to generate a multiple page PDF for all customers.

Sending the PDF to a customer

Once you have downloaded the PDF, this can then be attached to an email using your email platform.

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